Is It Safe To Eat Guava During Pregnancy?

Pregnancy brings in the time of cravings. If you are expecting, that makes you to yearn for different kinds of foods with varied tastes! Out of all these guavas also take a special place. Experts also suggest eating guava is beneficial during pregnancy. Taking in the right nutrition, vitamins and minerals is an important aspect when you are expecting and guava is a great choice.

The Nutritional Value of Guava Fruit:
Let us take a look at various nutritive facts about guava:

1. Rich Source of Vitamins:
Guava is a rich source of vitamin C, A, B2 and E. Also contains copper, calcium, thiamine, potassium, manganese and phosphorous. In fact, it is believed that the vitamin A and vitamin C content of guava exceeds that of the amount present in oranges and lemons.

 2. Great Source of Ascorbic and Folic Acid:

One of the best health benefits of consuming a guava is that it’s rich in ascorbic acid. Micro nutrients present in a guava like folic acid and vitamin B-9 are good for healthy circulatory system. Also consumption of such nutrients helps your baby from risk of neurological disorders, cardiovascular disease and regulates nervous system development.

3. Source of Lycopene Pigment:
Guava also contains lycopene – a pigment that lends the pulp its characteristic colour. A lycopene-rich diet decreases the risk of developing pre-cancerous growths in and around your mouth.

Advantages of Guava During Pregnancy:
Here are the numerous health benefits of eating guava during your special nine months.

1. Regulation Of Blood Sugar:
Consumption of guava during pregnancy is thought to keep your blood sugar levels under control, thus playing a vital role in the prevention of gestational diabetes in pregnant women.

2. Balanced Levels Of Blood Pressure:
Guava helps keep your blood pressure levels in control. During pregnancy, keeping a stable blood pressure level is important in order to avoid miscarriage and premature births.

3. Controls Blood Cholesterol:
The fiber content of guava actually helps control high blood cholesterol levels in your body, which is the major risk factor associated with many cardiovascular diseases.

4. Healthy Iron Content:
The iron content of guava may reduce the risk of anemia during pregnancy. What’s more, guava also has certain essential nutrients that help keep the hemoglobin levels in your body in check.

5. Helps Reduce Constipation And Hemorrhoids:
Being a rich source of fiber guava helps in common complaints such as hemorrhoids and constipation during pregnancy.

6. Muscle And Nerve Relaxant:
Guava is a rich source of magnesium that promotes relaxation of muscles and nerves in your body during pregnancy.

7. Fights Prevent Health Infections:
Guava is a rich source of polyphenols, carotenoids, isoflavanoids, vitamin E and vitamin C which are known for their antioxidant properties. Antioxidants are good in fighting the damage of free radicals on your body and help prevent infections during pregnancy.

8. Prevents Neural Tube Defects:
Guava helps prevent neural tube defects in the newborns as it contains folic acid.

9. Great Source Of Calcium:
Guava is also a good natural source of calcium for you, which makes it a must have for a pregnancy diet.

10. Enhanced Red Blood Cell (RBC) Count:
The folic acid content of guava helps your body increase its production of red blood cells, which helps improve function of the nervous system, particularly the brain, and also prevents anemia.

11. Helps In Fetal Development:
The Vitamin B9 content of guava is yet another essential factor when it comes to the development of your baby’s nervous system.

12. Helps In Healthy Digestion Process:
Guava is also known to keep the digestive system healthy. It prevents any sorts of digestion related problems, which is certainly important during pregnancy.

With pluses come minuses, here we have listed some disadvantages of guava consumption for you:

Since guava is rich in fiber, excess consumption can cause diarrhea.
Consumption of unripe or half-ripe guavas during pregnancy should be avoided, since it may also lead to toothache.
It is important to wash guavas properly before peeling, especially during pregnancy. To avoid Listeriosis or bacterial infections.
Steer clear of any medication or supplemental sources of guava- it is best to consume it in its natural form.
Quick Tips While Consuming Guavas:
During Pregnancy consumption of guava is beneficial, but it should be consumed with a balance diet complete with fruits and vegetables.
Guava is a good source of iodine and probably the richest source of vitamin C. The vitamin C content of guava increases as the fruit ripens. The white pulp is more nutritious than the red.
The impressive nutrient content of guava makes it a good choice for pregnant women, since these nutrients are the ones that curb morning sickness. Bite into a guava as soon as you feel nauseous.
What’s more, guava isn’t just great for pregnant women, it helps individuals suffering from diabetes too, and is thought to hold great benefits for skin care, weight loss and hair care.

So if you were wondering can pregnant women eat guava or not, do breeze through our pointers. Adding more amounts of fruit and veggies in your diet while expecting is an absolute must. All you need to do is take care of your little one and yourself by eating healthy. Go Guava! Have more experiences to share?? Leave your thoughts in the comments section below.
